Saturday 6 August 2011

Hotcakes with Maple Syrup and Whipped Butter

These hotcakes were made as a special breakfast for my Mum and Dad and little brother. My little brother enjoyed them heaps, he just scoffed them down! My Mum and Dad enjoyed them very much too. When I was whipping the cream into butter, I enjoyed watching the solids and the liquids separate.

Hotcakes with Maple Syrup and Whipped Butter

Serves 4
2 cups self raising flour
3 eggs
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1 1/2 cups milk
50g butter, melted and slightly cooled
extra butter for cooking
200ml thickened cream
1/2 cup maple syrup
icing sugar to serve

1. Sift self-raising flour and baking powder into a large bowl.

2. In a separate jug or bowl combine milk, eggs and vanilla essence.

3. Make a well in the flour and pour in the milk mixture and melted butter.Mix together with electric beaters until just combined. (Don't over beat or the hotcakes won't be fluffy.)

4. In another clean bowl pour in cream and beat with electric beaters until yellow and buttery. The liquids and solids will separate when it becomes butter.

5. Heat up fry pan to a medium heat. Grease pan with little bit of butter. Pour in hotcake mixture. Flip when bubbly on top. Continue cooking for another minute after flipped.

6. Serve on a plate, drizzle with maple syrup, add a small scoop of whipped butter and dust icing sugar over the top.

7. Eat and enjoy!

Thursday 4 August 2011

Quail Egg Salad with Pepperberry Mustard Vinaigrette

 Welcome to my blog. My name is Tom, I am 9 years old and I love to cook! One day I would like to be on Masterchef because I would love to learn a lot more about cooking and it would give me the chance to just cook heaps. I like to experiment with old recipes and add my twist to them. On my blog you will find lots of new recipes and some classics too. My first recipe I am listing on here is Quail Egg Salad with Pepperberry Mustard Vinaigrette. It is a rocket based salad with a lovely, light vinaigrette with boiled quail eggs and parmasen.
 First, I prepared the salad and the vinaigrette. I then cooked the quail eggs in boiling water for 3 minutes and took them out. I started peeling the shells off, but I had a bit of difficulty. Once I cut them down the middle I saw that they were a bit over cooked, so I tried again, this time cooking them for 2 minutes. When I took them out I put them under cold water and started peeling the shells off without any difficulties at all. This time when I sliced them they were cooked perfectly.

Quail Egg Salad with Pepperberry Mustard Vinaigrette

Serves 2
6 quail eggs
2 large handfuls of rocket
1/4 cup of shaved parmasen
1 tsp crushed garlic
2 tsp pepperberry mustard
5 tsp olive oil
1 tsp white vinegar
salt and pepper

1. Mix together in small bowl mustard, garlic, vinegar and olive oil until they are blended in together to make vinaigrette. Add salt and pepper to taste. Put to one side.

2. Put one handful of rocket on each plate.

3. Get a small saucepan half filled with water and bring to the boil. Once it is boiling turn it down to simmer and gently put the quail eggs in. Cook for 2 minutes for soft boiled, and 3 minutes for hard boiled.

4. Take out quail eggs, run under cold water and put on paper towel. Gently roll them on the bench with your palm to crack the shell. Peel off the shell by pushing it the shell down.

5. Cut the quail eggs in half and put them on top of the rocket. Drizzle the vinaigrette over the top. Scatter parmasen on the salad.

6. Eat and enjoy!